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Senin, 23 April 2012

Bunga Kana (canna lily)

 Kana tergolong tanaman luar dengan nama latin Canna lily. Tanaman ini biasanya tumbuh di hutan dan pegunungan walau tak jarang dijadikan tanaman hias di pekarangan dan taman kota, karena memiliki bunga yang mempesona. Dan teryata dibalik pesona aneka warnanya bunga kana memiliki daya penyembuhan yang luarrr biasa. Bunga kana atau bunga tasbeh berasal dari daerah tropis benua Amerika. Tumbuhan ini mampu hidup di dataran rendah hingga ketinggian 1.000 m di atas permukaan laut. Tumbuhan ini tumbuh besar, tegak, dengan tinggi mencapai dua meter. Tanaman ini memiliki rimpang tebal menyerupai ubi. Daunnya besar dan lebar, menyirip jelas. Warnanya hijau atau merah tengguli. Bunganya besar dengan warna-warna cerah, seperti merah, merah muda, dan kuning yang tersusun dalam bentuk tandan.

Nama Lokal

  1. hosbe (Batak)
  2. ganyong hutan (Melayu)
  3. ganyong wana, g. alas, sebe, sebeh, tasbeh, ganyol leuweung (Sunda)
  4. kembang gedang, puspa midra, p. nyidra (Jawa)
  5. tasbhi (Madura)
  6. milu-milu (Bali)
  7. kela, kontas, tuis im tasic, totombe, wuro (Minahasa)
  8. bunga tasebe (Makasar & Bugis)
  9. tasupe (Ternate).
Klasifikasi tanaman ini;
Kerajaan: Plantae
Divisi: Magnoliophyta
Kelas: Liliopsida
Ordo: Zingiberals
Famili: Cannaceae
Genus: Canna
 Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunga_tasbih#Manfaat

Bunga Kamboja

Kemboja atau semboja merupakan sekelompok tumbuhan dalam marga Plumeria. Bentuknya berupa pohon kecil dengan daun jarang namun tebal. Bunganya yang harum sangat khas, dengan mahkota berwarna putih hingga merah keunguan, biasanya lima helai. Bunga dengan empat atau enam helai mahkota bunga oleh masyarakat tertentu dianggap memiliki kekuatan gaib.
Tumbuhan ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah. Nama Plumeria diberikan untuk menghormati Charles Plumier (1646-1706), pakar botani asal Perancis. Walaupun berasal dari tempat yang jauh, kemboja sekarang merupakan pohon yang sangat populer di Pulau Bali karena ditanam di hampir setiap pura serta sudut kampung, dan memiliki fungsi penting dalam kebudayaan setempat. Di beberapa tempat di Nusantara, termasuk Malaya, kemboja ditanam di pekuburan sebagai tumbuhan peneduh dan penanda tempat. Kemboja dapat diperbanyak dengan mudah, melalui stek batang.
Plumeria saat ini populer digunakan sebagai tanaman hias outdoor awalnya tanaman ini hanya digunakan sebagai tanaman kuburan.  Klasifikasi tanaman ini sbb:

Kerajaan: Plantae
Divisi: Magnoliophyta
Kelas: Magnoliopsida
Ordo: Gentianales
Famili: Apocynaceae
Genus: Plumeria

( sumber;http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kemboja)

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

White Roses

I love flower. And I really love roses, white roses is the most beautiful one. This article about white rose, written by someone.  I copied and paste here.

Meaning: innocence, purity, reverence, humility
The color white has always been associated with innocence, purity, worthiness, and virtue, and the white rose is no different. The white rose is pure, simple, and classic. When you look at a white rose, you think angel's, bride's, fluffy white clouds, cotton... all things simple, organic, pure, everlasting. Give a white rose to tell the recipient that they're heavenly. Giving white roses says that you believe that your intentions are pure and that the recipient is worthy.

While the popular red rose speaks of fiery passion, the softer white rose expresses feelings that are pure and true, a love that is deep in the soul. White roses also represent everlasting love, a love stronger than death, a love that endures the test of time.

One of the most famous examples of a white rose come from Aphrodite (Venus), the Greek Goddess of Love in mythology. It is said that she was born of the sea foam and where the foam fell to the earth, white roses sprang to life. In fact, legend states that Aphrodite gave the rose it's name. Other myths surrouding Aphrodite display the two sides of love: innocence and purity of white and the passion and desire of red.

White roses represent purity and virginal innocence, which is why brides traditionally wear white gowns and often carry white bouquets. Tradition since the 1800's, white bridal bouquets were carried to assure the bridegroom that of his bride's virginal purity and innocence or to say "I am worthy of you".

White is also the color of innocence and therefore the perfect flower for new relationships. The innocence of white roses stretches further with White rosebuds, which hold a slightly different meaning than their full-bloomed counterparts. These young buds speak of a youthful innocence and love. For younger relationships, give a bouquet of white rosebuds to represent your young love.

Surpringly, withered or dead white roses hold meaning as well. If you're looking for a loving reaction, stear clear of white roses that are starting to fade as giving these tells your recipient that not only have they made no impression on you, but the gift of withering flowers means the relationship has come to an end.

Yukata, 10 New Arrticles
